Comparing the housing market in Sweden and the Netherlands
This article in Svenska Dagbladet is about the differences in segregation and the housing markets of especially Stockholm Amsterdam. Journalist Charlotte Boström interviewed among others Karen Haandrikman on the findings from our segregation projects at Stockholm University. Read it here.
Fakta i frågan: Ökar segregation i Sverige?
Karen Haandrikman, Eva Andersson and Bo Malmberg helped Dagens Nyheter with their article on whether or not segregation is increasing in Sweden, in the series "Fakta i frågan".
It answers questions like "how is segregation measured?", "how do segregation levels compare between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö?" and "does segregation increase or decrease?". Read it here.

How segregated housing helped liberal Sweden’s far right dominate the debate
In the article “How segregated housing helped liberal Sweden’s far right dominate the debate” on the recent Swedish general elections, The Washington Post uses a map created by Pontus Hennerdal and Michael Nielsen from the article ”Changes in the residential segregation of immigrants in Sweden from 1990 to 2012: Using a multi-scalar segregation measure that accounts for the modifiable areal unit problem” in Applied Geography, written in the framework of ResSegr.
Segregation of Polish migrants
Contribution by Simon Venema, Bart Sleutjes and Helga de Valk to the Dutch popular scientific demographic journal Demos about segregation of Polish migrants in the Netherlands (June 2017)

Segregation of Turkish migrants in Almelo and Surinamese migrants in Amsterdam
Bart Sleutjes and Jeroen Ooijevaar show how useful it is to use our innovative methods when studying segregation at small scales for two cities in the Netherlands. Dutch article in the popular scientific demographic journal Demos (November 2016)

Segregation has decreased in Sweden
Article in the Swedish news paper Dagens Nyheter based on data from the ResSegr research project (February 2016).

Declining ethnic segregation in The Economist and Dagens Nyheter
The article in The Economist includes a few lines on our upcoming research findings that ethnic segregation has decreased in Sweden in the last decades (January 2016)
On the same matter, Bo Malmberg was interviewed by Sweden’s biggest newspaper Dagens Nyheter (January 2016).

Innovative measurement of segregation - in Dutch
Online article on ResSegr based on interview with our postdoc in the Netherlands, Bart Sleutjes, on the Statistics Netherlands website (November 2015).